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Published: 4 years ago

Risk Factors Leading to Hearing Loss

There are various risk factors that can enhance the chances of experiencing hearing loss. These risk factors include:

• Age: Many conditions that we experience over time can be associated with ageing. Hearing loss is not an exception. As we age, the inner ear and its structures continue to degenerate with time resulting in loss of hearing. Using an invisible hearing aid can help in improving your hearing.
• Heredity: You can be predisposed to experience hearing loss as a result of your genetic makeup. These genes can make you susceptible to experiencing damage in the ear from loud noises or ageing.
• Loud noise: The cells in the inner can experience some damage when exposed to loud sounds. This can happen from prolonged exposure to those sounds or experiencing a single blast near you. The explosion can be from a gunshot or a bomb going off near you.
• Occupational noises: Some jobs have loud noises as part of their regular output, such as factory work, construction, and farming. These jobs expose you to loud noises repeatedly, which can lead to damage to the ear. You can wear protective gear to prevent prolonged damage. However, if you are already experiencing the symptoms, you can use affordable hearing aid to improve your hearing.
• Drugs: There are some medications that can lead to hearing loss. Such drugs include sildenafil (Viagra), antibiotic gentamicin, and some chemotherapy drugs can lead to a damaged inner ear. Ringing in the ear or temporary hearing loss can occur when you take aspirin or pain killers in high doses.
• Illness: Meningitis can result in damage to the cochlea. Other high fevers can also cause this issue.
• Recreational noises: Such include exposure to explosives, firearms, and jet engines can cause you to have hearing loss immediately or even permanent hearing loss.
It is good to protect your ears from loud noises to prevent any damage.

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